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Messages posté(e)s par clglj

  1. Hello

    I just joined this forum

    I have a 5 francs silver coin  Louis Ph 1831 W

    The text on the edge "DIEU PROTEGE LA FRANCE" (poor god, he does not deserve such a difficult job) is set on B position  (can be read with head up) which is rather uncommon


    there is a mistake in the text, no space between PROTEGE and LA, and the text appears as 'PROTEGELA"

    The conjunction of these 2 mistakes occurring on a single mintage seems to be, statistically, of the highest rarity, unless it was made on purpose

    The B position for this coin is known but  I havn't found the number of coins which has been minted that way

    As far as the punching mistake on the edge is concerned, I havn't found anything on the subject

    Would appreciate ur help


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